Monday 12 April 2010

Good News or Bad News

Given the choice, I always take the bad news first hoping the good news will outweigh the negatives..The bad news is that the owner of Bishopton Lake has said no to swimming, he stated that he was on dodgy ground as far as insurance, despite my persistence the answer remains a firm 'no'. I am very disappointed as the proximity couldn't be better. That kind of put pay to getting outside at the back end of last month, therefore I continued to count the laps at the pool.

Speaking of counting laps in the pool, Charlie had a sponsored hour swim at the club a fortnight ago during which he swam a fantastic 88 lengths of the 25m pool, I was very pleased and proud of him as he continues to improve. He also made the Town, then County finals for the schools gala and was a creditable fourth in the final. Well done son x

Last week after some quite severe back pain I made an appointment with Simon at Bodybalance where, after an intense hour I emerged pain free, my training however has taken a little step back mainly due to school holidays and child care commitments.

That said, the good news is that yesterday Charlie and I drove to Seaton intent on taking the briefest of dips, when we arrived the wind was blowing and the previously blue sky was now grey and dull. The North Sea looked totally uninviting with its swells and dark chop, I suddenly thought what on earth am I thinking. I seriously considered going straight back home.

Young 'Coach Charlie' had been told as we walked down the beach that only positive comments were allowed...that said it still came as a surprise when I was debating my sanity that he said 'Dad, stop talking and just get in!' so...I stripped to my speedos and ran like a man possessed into the waves, it was awful, painful and numbing to enter, I kind of bounced out into deeper water where I finally began to breast stroke, followed by a small amount of front crawl (and ice cream headache). I was checking on Charlie to see he was safe, a few people had stopped and were speaking to him, questioning if I was mad. I then saw him clapping his hands above his head which gave me a massive lift. It actually felt OK when I was fully submerged or swimming and the mental anguish beforehand was much tougher than the actual doing.

After just ten minutes I exited as agreed and dressed for the drive home. I was delighted not to get the shivers and shakes as I fully expected them going on previous experience. The dip has certainly left me hungry for more and I cant wait for my next outside swim, its just a case of building up the time again like in the good old days!!


Gords said...

Nice job on not giving up on the cold dip and doing it!

lcolette said...

Coach Charlie, sounds like you did a great job both in your own swimming and in Coaching your Dad. Keep up the good work Coach C!