Monday 7 March 2011

The week that was

The last couple of weeks have been a little inconsistent for a number of reasons, I had  reasonable results returning to the pool post injury and am pleased to report being free from any relapse in terms of intercostal issues, there is still minor tenderness at the site but nothing worth complaining about. The restart of training was briefly interrupted by half term at Charlies school, meaning less training but lots of fun with my little buddy/coach.

Last week I also had the pleasure of going for coffee with the very funny, straight talking Tanni Grey Thompson DBE, her husband Ian and Carys their daughter. We spent a few hours chatting about all manner of things including  my swimming, work, training, motivation and injuries etc etc. what they don't know about rotar cuff problems isn't worth knowing. I find both Ian and Tanni inspirational yet also incredibly down to earth, we will be meeting again, hopefully soon, for more motivational chatter. If you get chance and you like to read I would recommend both Aim High and Seize the day.

So..half term over I headed back to the murky Total Fitness 25m pool, initially building up slowly again so as not to shock the system: training went as follows, I will spare you the details and just give the totals
Monday 28 Feb.. 1600m
Tuesday 1 March : 3400m
Wednesday 2nd..10,000m
Thursday 3rd..4000m
Friday 4th..4500m
Saturday 5th..4000m
Sunday 6th Rest Day

Total for the week 27,500m

all of the swims after Monday included an element of backstroke in an attempt to balance the stress on my shoulders/reduce the over use issues.

It will soon be time to brave the cold of the North that will be a shock to the system.

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