Monday 9 May 2011

Thankyous and lessons

Before my mind becomes a complete blur with regards to last weekends 2S4L event I wanted to thank lots of people, hopefully I will not forget too many, my apologies in advance if that's the case.
To all the individuals who offered their dedications on a very personal and emotional level to motivate me throughout the day especially Charlie, KGB, Enda, Nick, Chris B, Tanni GT and my beloved parents, Sally Goble for kicking my butt pre event to get some training done, to Lesley Zimmerman for her excellent organisational skills as well as hot sweet tea through the wee small hours, my employers for the use of the vehicle and loan of the water boiler, Kate and Lisa for equipment space in their tent, Kieron Taylor, Mark Bayliss, Lucinda Pollington, for dragging me up and down lane 3 in their wake, Sarah T, Tom R and Bryn for your motivational praise, Claire for the muffins, Don for ruining my night with the dreaded 5 minute warnings, Lisa for the loan of the dry towel and hat, Nicola Latty for support and reassurance, The OSS for the life saving hot tub, Tom Sarah and Ruth for some top notch photographs, everyone who shouted encouragement. The Lido team and lifeguards, the group on OWSNEE for encouragment praise and sponsorship...The list goes on...thank you all.

Lessons...if you enter this event in the future my advice would be, take more than 6 towels... its not nice trying to dry yourself with a sopping wet rag especially in the cold dark night air, take at least 12 swimsuits for changing when the sun disappears, include savoury food in your feed plan, I was pining for a sandwich or similar after a few hours, remember its your swim not a race and finally arrange to stay over post event as the drive afterwards can be a killer.

Last but not least thankyou so much for all the comments on the previous post, I really appreciatte your time and effort for leaving your thoughts in the written word, it does actually drive me onwards knowing I have your support and that people are reading the blog..thanks again...speak soon.

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