Friday 17 February 2012

I like words.....

I recently read an interview with Darren Miller an Oceans 7 aspirant and particularly liked this response:

What do you have to lose by bettering your lifestyle through exercise, and strengthening your will and desire to achieve?
If you are a parent, what better example of pursuing and accomplishing your goal could you give your child? Teach them to believe in themselves, and not let the outside world influence what they should become.
If you are role model for youth, then again, inspire and motivate them to want to achieve their dreams. Marathon swimming is a phenomenal way to teach others that anything is possible. If you are having doubts, then start small and work your way up to the top. Not everyone will jump into this sport the way some have, so it is OK to start smaller, just never loose sight of the goal!
Once you have the confidence necessary to attempt a channel crossing, it will be the most rewarding experience of your life, because you will accomplish something you at one point might have believed impossible.

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