Tuesday 12 August 2014


The following words are similar to those I posted on social media recently.

Sometimes... if you are very lucky, someone you know, or better still someone you have helped, achieves a lifelong dream, when that happens it fills you with a warm happy glow. Not only do I want to publicly congratulate Amanda but also thank her for making me feel so very very proud. Like Joe Hunter, I was fortunate enough (together with Charlie) to be allowed to witness some of her build up to the immense swim.

My sea legs or rather lack of prevented me from being present of the support boat Anastasia, however I was hooked to the CS & PF tracker system all day, finding myself close to tears when she landed in France after almost 18 and a half hours of swimming.

There will be much much more to follow from Amanda soon so check back soon.

its never too late to donate to her charity https://www.justgiving.com/Amanda-Bell10/

Congrats again Belly. Hopefully reality it is beginning to sink in.

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