Sunday, 11 October 2015

CS&PF 2015 end of season stats.. a closer look.

At the close of the 2014 season I composed a post here reflecting on the CS&PF statistics regarding successful English Channel Solo swims. The post proved to be very popular, hence it was always my intention to more or less repeat the procedure with the 2015 figures.

In the same manner as last year, the information has been gathered from the most excellent Channel Swimming & Piloting Federation website.

At the outset it appears obvious that the weather gods have played their part in thwarting a lot of swims this year, you can see at a glance on the below graph (data from 2012-2015 only) how the figures have dipped this year. 

N.B. Solos only (there was an additional 47 relays.. see post script)

The skilled pilots have however still been busy amassing the following figures (43 solos)
Paul Foreman (Optimist) 9
Lance Oram (Sea Satin) 6
Mike Oram (West Winds/SeaFarer II) 3
Eddie Spelling (Anastasia) 11
Neil Streeter (Suva) 10
James Willi (Gallivant) 4

The season was opened by 2 Way EC legend Wendy Trehiou/Suva swimming on 25th June in preparation for her 24 hour St.Malo to Jersey swim with Matthew Clarke and Lionheart Pilotage !
(The record for the earliest swim is held by King of the Channel, Kevin Murphy 29th May in 1990)

2015 gave us 4 mammoth swims in excess of 20 hours, the longest being Sigrun Thuridur Geirsdottir with a  22 hours 34 minutes crossing with pilot James Willi/Gallivant. Track below:

The fastest swim this year was Sebastion Karas in only 8 hours 48 minutes with Pilot Eddie Spelling/Anastasia. Track below:

The 17th August proved to be the most successful day this year, with a total of four successful crossings. (Kristian O'Donavan, Phil Yorke, Lisa Williams and Volker Koch)

Other swims of note (IMHO) that should not go unmentioned:

Mr 'Big Love' (President) Nick Adams swam his 11th crossing on 8th August with Neil and the Suva crew.

Phil Yorke became only the 12 person to make a breaststroke crossing on the aforementioned most successful date in 18 hours and 2 minutes. (Neil/Suva) track below:

My mate Mark 'Shezza' Sheridan completed his second successful crossing on a big spring tide on 2nd September. (Neil/Suva)

Liz Fry swam her 6th crossing on 28th August with Eddie/Anastasia.

The season closed with Sue Croft completing the swim on her 4th attempt on Thursday 8 October in 15 hours 59 minutes with Neil and Team Suva.
(The record for the latest swim is 29 October in 1979)

The Solo Heroes this year spent a total of 651 hours 30 minutes and 13 seconds in the Water.

Equating to an average crossing time of 15 hours 09 minutes and 4 seconds.

Congratulations to all swimmers, pilots and crews. 

Post Script ...


Total time for relay teams in the water this year 713 hours 23 minutes and 10 seconds

The average time for a relay crossing this year was 15 hours 10 minutes 42 seconds 

Fastest relay 10:36:39 Auckland Grammar (6) 10th July with James / Gallivant
Longest relay 20:04:00 Sisters of Swim (4) 24th June with Paul / Optimist 

There has obviously been a number of successful crossings recorded by The CSA including Chloe Macs. 3 Way ! however I do not have access to their data in full. 


The below data is kindly provided by Michelle Hardy 

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