Friday 22 August 2008


Ok its official, the swim should take place on the first tide in September which runs from the 5th onwards.

The re run is absolutely crippling me financially as has the whole year in the build up, however it would seem silly to have sacrificed so much to throw it all away now, the time away from Charlie, all the training, the sponsorship for The J.A.C.K Foundation and my own empty pockets would all be in vain if I didn’t bother returning to Dover. More importantly I promised my mum I would give it my best shot and I know she will be watching over me.

I have sorted transport, accommodation, CSA fees (again) etc. and expect to be in Dover together with KGB on the afternoon of the 4th September, I will not begin unless I am certain I am ready physically and emotionally. Just crew to confirm and that’s us all set.

Thank you for all your well wishes and encouragement and continued support.

I will be glad when its all over, so that I can settle down to a normal life on dry land whilst trying to be a good daddy.


Lisa said...

It's great to hear that everything's coming together for September. All of the hassle will be worth it when you touch French soil!

Bruce Stewart (施樸樂) said...

I think you are right to go for it. There's no turning back when the right opportunity presents itself. I doubt if you will be able to settle for a normal life on dry land, for if you experience the extraordinary, you won't want to settle for anything less. Hope you get well rested up before the crossing.