Friday 12 September 2008

once upon a time

I have been telling the story over and over at work regarding my predicament and the weather putting a stop to me swimming last week at the beginning of the neap tide. I do still so want to swim The English Channel, very much so. I am determined to tackle it one day when the time is right. The fact is, I believe I owe it to Charlie to spend next summer at home or on holiday with him, not spending every penny we have chasing my dreams year in year out.

I did get some very generous help from my friends and family but the fact remains that I missed my annual holiday with my best buddy. I have promised that next year we will not sacrifice our week away, even if it means we spend it in Switzerland at Lake Zurich! Sorry Kell ...

I still have a number of people to inform of the events but I am feeling a little better knowing it was completely out of my hands, I feel a weight lift once I have made it clear that their donations have not been breached in any way. And that one day I will return......think I better buy a ticket for the euro millions !!

Its looking reasonable for Windermere swim, maybe Thursday 25th Sept..will keep you posted.

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