Sunday 7 June 2015

Can you see what it is yet?

I apologise if you are growing tired of looking at the GPS tracks of my training swims..KGO (previously known as KGB) clearly is, she asked if I actually think about what shape is being created as I swim and could I please make more of an artistic effort !!

To that is a vague butterfly from a 2 hour swim on Friday in the wind..use your imagination for goodness sake !

Art aside I was pleased to complete the two hours in the water, recovery was good, next weekend is the BLDSA Wykeham swim which I have swam several times, it will be great to see some of the stalwarts prior to the dreaded C of C the following weekend 20 June

1 comment:

InkyArtitude said...

With just a little more 'artistic' effort you could have had the makings of a great horses head on some sort of time maybe!