Tuesday 2 June 2015


Saturday morning (May 30th) bright and early, before charlie returned from holiday abroad, I nipped to Ellerton Lake for a swim, knowing I would want to spend some quality time together as soon as he returned home. Much to my surprise there was an event taking place with part of the lake was 'out of bounds' I therefore chose to break a couple of the normal rules and stayed away from the rest of the water users and swam in peace at the other side of the lake. 100 minutes 13.8 degrees C
On Tuesday in the howling wind Charlie agreed to shelter on the sand whilst I had a stretch out at 'The Mecca' it was painful getting into the water, or rather it was bloody awful making my way to the water as a result of being sand blasted. I said I would swim either 45 minutes or 2km which ever came first. As is usual, I felt guilty with him being bored on the beach, though he was adamant he was keeping an eye on his Pappa!

The same agony on exit after 40 minutes and the agreed 2000m which he captured quite well on camera. Water ranged between 10 and 11 degrees C.

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